Jude Treder-Wolff is quoted in this piece “How To Deal With Ungrateful People” on the website Upjourney.

“When we dedicate time, energy, and resources to others’ needs and receive no recognition or gratitude, we need both perspective and claim power over our own choices.

If we tend to knock ourselves out for people who do not reciprocate or even acknowledge what we have done for them, the first step is to communicate openly about it.

But sometimes, the very need for those awkward conversations reveals something about the relationship dynamic that we need to understand.

For example, are we trying to change a person who has shown time and again that they are not capable of recognizing others’ efforts? If so, it can be a tremendous relief to realize we have the choice to step back and do less.

The relationship will become healthier and more equitable if we take ownership of our own choices within it.

Sometimes the desire to give and take care of others, even when they do not express gratitude, is driven by a need to see the right thing happen for them. For example, taking care of an elderly parent with whom we have had a difficult relationship.

In that situation, it can be helpful to focus on being grounded in our own narrative and very much in touch with our motives. It can be highly rewarding to realize we have grown beyond the need for approval in response to doing what we think is right.

Lifestage president Jude Treder-Wolff was interviewed about the therapeutic impact of storytelling and creativity on Dennis Has A Podcast.
You can listen to it here: Episode 608 “I Can Get Exposed to Something That I Might Never Otherwise Ever Learn About”

“A Music Therapist On How To Put Together The Perfect Breakup Playlist” features an interview with Jude Treder-Wolff on BUSTLE
“According to music therapist Jude Treder-Wolff, LCSW. creating a breakup playlist can be an effective coping strategy. “Songs help process important life experiences because they give words to what we think and feel,” Treder-Wolff says. “Because of the way music acts upon the brain, it immediately takes us to memories and images associated with the song, and this can be uniquely helpful when working through a breakup.” READ MORE

Jude Treder-Wolff was interviewed for “Media Meltdown” Eating Disorders In The Digital Age” in LI Pulse magazine.
It can be hard to be human in the age of technology. It’s an age where people share all their accomplishments on social media, where images are photoshopped to perfection and where marketing ploys play on individual insecurities. “This media-dominated culture impacts self-image, self-worth and, in subtle but powerful ways, influences both men and women to buy into quick fixes,” said licensed clinical social worker and certified group psychotherapist Jude Treder-Wolff. These quick fixes are sometimes fad diets, which can lead to a shame cycle and even an eating disorder. Research published by the Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review in 2004 stressed the role of media in the development of eating disorders. It also referenced a 2002 study that found females expressed lower body satisfaction after viewing thin media images.” Read article on LI Pulse website

Jude Treder Wolff speaking gig.jpg

Jude Treder-Wolff was interviewed for “Five Good Reasons To Fire Your Therapist” on the website VICE.com
“This tendency to offer practical suggestions as opposed to talking through feelings and thoughts is a common rookie mistake, says Treder-Wolff. “Giving advice gives therapists a boost,” she says. “They want to be able to say, ‘I fixed it!'” This has the pitfall of starting arguments if the client doesn?t like the advice. (Deyette was fond of her thin, attractive friends.) A more advanced therapist “wants a person to engage with their own strength and creative capacities,” Treder-Wolff says. When a client comes to their own realization about behaviors or attitudes, through guidance, that tends to lead to a steadier commitment and greater resolve.” READ ARTICLE

Jude Treder-Wolff was interviewed for this article “Things To Do When You Feel Lonely” on the website The List
“A great way to get out of your own head is to read or listen to stories. Jude Treder-Wolff, a licensed clinical social worker and group psychotherapist, recommended, “Listen to storytelling podcasts that feature true stories told by people from all walks of life.” She even has a few she recommends, “The Moth (also on NPR), RISK! StoryCorps, and Story Collider are just a few of the many wonderful podcasts and shows that share human experiences from a rich swath of perspectives.”  READ ARTICLE

Jude Treder-Wolff was quoted in “How To Say ‘I’m Sorry’ and Mean It” – article in NBC News
“Making a truly authentic apology is perhaps one of the most challenging relationship skills because for most people, it is so very difficult to admit wrongdoing,” says Jude Treder-Wolff, a clinical social worker, certified group psychotherapist and creative arts therapist. “The reasons for this range from old, unprocessed resentments that can seem to justify the wrongdoing, defenses that block our ability to see that we are capable of inflicting pain on someone we love, to feeling so overwhelmed by the knowledge that we have caused someone else pain that we shut down when it comes to communicating about it.” READ ARTICLE 

Jude Treder-Wolff was interviewed about Transformative Storytelling on the internet radio show “Morning Moments With Maia” on December 18, 2016. LISTEN HERE

Thinking on Your Feet Takes Improvisation–and Practice
Originally written and published by Newsday and picked up the the LA Times “Improv? Yes, it’s one of the hottest training methods in today’s workplace–learning the skills used in improvisational theater. See the parallel? Improv actors have to laser-focus so they can create and perform at just about the same instant. Does that sound anything like the demands being put on you in a work world that keeps changing and never shuts down? What’s more, improv actors have tremendous respect for one another’s concepts and are willing to take someone else’s thread and run with it to see where it goes. And wouldn’t that be nice at work–if colleagues really listened and supported our ideas and gave them a shot, instead of steadfastly proceeding down the same old path? Improv is all about collaboration, communication and connectedness, says Jude Treder-Wolff, a cabaret artist and president of Lifestage, a workplace training company in Smithtown, N.Y. “It teaches you to be more generous and not to be so worried about yourself. . . . Improv calls upon a person’s ability to go beyond the need to be right, look good, play it safe.” It helps flex our “imaginative and creative muscles,” says Treder-Wolff, whose company designs and conducts experiential, interactive theater programs to help with on-the-job team building, problem solving, stress and diversity.” READ ARTICLE ON LA TIMES

How Does Improv Help Clinicians Think On Their Feet? An interview series with Jude Treder-Wolff published on Beth Boyton’s Confident Voices and picked up on the website Healthy Simulations.
“We think we know what is going to happen next in life – we look at our schedules and it seems like we should know what the day will be like – but things may go in a very different way then we plan or expect. Theater games help to reduce the sense of threat posed by recognizing that uncertainty is just how things are, and to look at uncertainty as a necessary dimension to the creative process. We accept and embrace uncertainty so that we can create – a creative space is empathic, aware, building on what is given, and expansive.” READ MORE

World Health Day: Keeping Mind and Body Fit At Any Age
Mental health in particular can be impacted when people age, and it’s necessary to always make mental health a priority because of its effects on overall health and lifespan. Experts have some advice on how to improve mental health while aging and some insight into what mental health issues people might deal with more often as they get older.

Jude Treder-Wolff, a licensed clinical social worker and the author of Possible Futures: Creative Thinking for The Speed of Life, said in an email that older adults tend to deal with more loss. “To cope with changes over which we have no control that are part of getting older and to create change that allows us to continue to live a satisfying life, we need the skills associated with good mental health: the ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings to others; a social network that has some degree of intimacy and allows for self-expression; resourcefulness; the belief that we have something to contribute to the world, and activity that expresses our contribution,” Treder-Wolff said. It’s not too late to have a healthy mind, and she suggests working on positive mental health starting now. “We will grow older the same way we live now, so if we want to grow older with creativity and a sense of possibility – which are directly related to positive mental health and important tools for dealing with physical health challenges as well – the best thing is to cultivate those qualities starting now, “Treder-Wolff said. This means doing activities like going to museums, art shows, and concerts, as well as meeting new types of people, forming trusting relationships, and learning new skills, she added. READ ARTICLE ON GOODTHERAPY.ORG